Contact          Informations


Compatible Windows 7,8,10 et 11

Soft-Creation is a French company created in 2008 by Dominique Charrier and specialized in the design and sale of software for the general public, businesses and communities.

Registered in the Evry Trade and Companies Register under number RSC 501 592 141 Check here,
Soft-Creation has been recognized for 16 years for the quality and ease of use of its software.

SIRET : 501 592 141 00011
APE CODE : 5829C

We are based at the following address:
6, Avenue de la Charmille
91 390 Morsang/Orge - France

SECURE PAYMENT : Our website is equipped with the latest technologies in terms of payment security. We offer two modes : - payment by credit card with PAYPLUG - payment with PAYPAL account. These payment website leaders take care to secure your datas. At no time we have access to your bank details.

SITE HOSTING : OVH, 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France.


For any question about

- ordering procedure
- the installation of a software
- the use of a software
- the follow-up of your order
- a partnership request
- a problem on the site

Contact us at the following address:

We will answer you as soon as possible, except on weekends and holidays.

In case of unavailability of this address, another address is at your disposal:

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2008-2024 ©Soft-Creation - SIRET number : 501 592 141 00011